Bleeding Control

Halloween Safety
Can you feel it? The chilling of the air. The turning of the tide. The thinning of the veil. Must be the season of the witch. That's right, phriends, All Hallow's Eve is upon us. I must admit,...

Shooting Fireworks- The Great American Tradition
The great American tradition of shooting fireworks to celebrate the Fourth of July began in 1776, a mere four days after independence was won – July 8th, in fact. As it turns out, our propensity f...

Bleeding Control
The DL on the T.Q.
Common Misconceptions About Holding Your Favorite Limbs Tight
Ahh, the tourniquet: one of the most basic yet effective lifesaving tools in any human's arsenal against the scourge that is blood loss...

Stopping the Bleed for the Ones we Love
Everyone reading this has someone they love— or at least like enough that they don't want them to bleed out if something bad happens. If you don't, this is where you are more than welcome to stop ...

Bleeding Control
Controlling the situation and saving lives
Thousands of American fatalities each year are the result of bleeding from unintentional trauma. Worldwide about 30,000 die from an accidental bleed that...

Wound Packing for Dummies
Wound Packing for Dummies

Active Shooter: What You Can Do
FEMA has an excellent free resource for Active Shooter Training.
We suggest using this resource to start a conversation within your organization. This training will impress upon your team the need ...